Hospital Plantation

Plantation India’s Hospital Services

At Plantation India, we offer a comprehensive range of services tailored to transform hospitals into healing and sustainable environments. Explore the array of services we provide to enhance the well-being of patients, staff, and visitors, while promoting ecological responsibility:

  • Healing Gardens Design:
    • Collaborate with hospitals to design therapeutic healing gardens that offer spaces for relaxation, stress reduction, and recovery within the hospital grounds.
  • Indoor Plantscapes:
    • Provide guidance on selecting and placing indoor plants to improve air quality, reduce stress, and create a healing indoor environment for patients and staff.
  • Xeriscaping and Water Conservation:
    • Implement xeriscaping and water-efficient landscaping to conserve water resources while maintaining attractive and sustainable outdoor spaces.
  • Green Roof and Living Wall Design:
    • Design and install green roofs and living walls that enhance energy efficiency, air quality, and the availability of green spaces within the hospital environment.
  • Therapeutic Landscapes:
    • Create outdoor therapeutic landscapes that support physical therapy, rehabilitation, and relaxation for patients, including those with mobility challenges.
  • Bio-Retention Areas:
    • Develop bio-retention areas and rain gardens for stormwater management, water quality improvement, and flood risk reduction on hospital premises.
  • Healing Plant Selection:
    • Assist in selecting plants with therapeutic and aromatic properties that promote relaxation, reduce anxiety, and enhance overall well-being.
  • Tree Planting and Preservation:
    • Plant trees and develop preservation strategies to provide shade, mitigate the urban heat island effect, and create a tranquil atmosphere around the hospital.
  • Mental Health Gardens:
    • Design gardens dedicated to mental health, offering spaces for meditation, contemplation, and outdoor therapy for patients and staff facing mental health challenges.
  • Planting for Allergen Reduction:
    • Choose low-allergen and non-invasive plant species to minimize allergen exposure and foster a healthier environment for patients and staff with allergies.
  • Edible Gardens:
    • Create hospital gardens that yield fresh produce and herbs, supporting dietary programs and offering therapy and educational opportunities.
  • Environmental Education Programs:
    • Develop educational initiatives to inform patients, families, and staff about the benefits of green spaces, nature, and environmental sustainability.
  • Gardening Therapy Programs:
    • Establish gardening therapy programs that enable patients and staff to participate in therapeutic horticultural activities that promote recovery and well-being.
  • Aesthetic Landscaping:
    • Provide aesthetic landscaping services to enhance the visual appeal of hospital surroundings, fostering a welcoming and serene atmosphere.
  • Environmental Impact Assessment:
    • Conduct assessments to evaluate the hospital’s environmental impact and recommend sustainable practices to reduce the carbon footprint and resource consumption.
  • Accessibility and Inclusivity:
    • Ensure that all outdoor spaces are accessible to patients with mobility challenges, adhering to universal design principles.
  • Maintenance Planning:
    • Offer maintenance plans to ensure that green spaces continue to thrive and fulfill their intended purposes.

Plantation India is committed to helping hospitals create nurturing and eco-conscious environments that contribute to the well-being of patients, staff, and visitors, while advancing ecological responsibility.

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