Cow and Chargah
गौ माता के गोबर में लक्ष्मी जी का वास होता है ।
गौ माता के गोबर से बने उपलों का रोजाना घर दूकान मंदिर परिसरों पर धुप करने से वातावरण शुद्ध होता है सकारात्मक ऊर्जा मिलती है।
गोबर में खनिजों की भी मात्रा कम नहीं होती। इसमें फास्फोरस, नाइट्रोजन, चूना, पोटाश, मैंगनीज़, लोहा, सिलिकन, ऐल्यूमिनियम, गंधक आदि कुछ अधिक मात्रा में विद्यमान रहते हैं तथा आयोडीन, कोबल्ट, मोलिबडिनम आदि भी थोड़ी थोड़ी मात्रा में रहते हैं।

Here comes or Divine pleasure
Cow – The Utility of a mother:
Scientific way how cow can help inprove the environment & pollution free and pure From Ancient rituals : Cow is very important in our life. God resides in body of cow. We can protect ourselves with “goutantra vidya” and “go-mati mantra vigyan.” from thosand of years why “Godan (donation of cow) is a very sacred act of each Hindu. We can protect ourselves from accident, pretbadha (supernatural power) delay in marriage, delay in court case and even for cure of weakness. Service to cow is a noble cause and gives us prosperity and hurdle free life.
From Finacial Angle : Imortance of Cow Cow has financial importance, Gou (cow) gives “Havidurdha”. Th ghee from cow milk is the clearest “Havi” of God and cow prepares the land for performing yagna and cow progeny oxen helps in agriculture and grows wheat, rice, jou, til etc. needed for yagna. Yagna land is purified with cowdung and gomutra (cow urine). Cowdung is used for lighting the yagna fire. Before starting yagna “Panchagabya” is needed Panchgabya is made of cow milk, curd, cow milk ghee, cow urine, cow dung, payasanu is made of and rice and sugar is the paramanna (best food stuff) Ghee is the best food “Ayurve Ghreetam”. Food without ghee is considered unholy.
Every Hindu before his last breath wants to donate a cow, drinks gangaJal and listens to Geeta or recite Gayatri Mantra. Ganga unfortunately is being polluted, study of Geeta is hardly seen, we have forgotten Gayatri Mantra. There is utter devaluation of our culture and Hinduism. Cow is in the centre point of our culture of Sages and culture of agriculture. Ashramas of sages used to have goshalas and a number of healthy cows used to be there. Cows used to give them milk and nutrition to all the scholars who have enriched our ancient scripture of Veda and Upanishada. Students used to take their education in Gurukuls and then join grihastha ashrama. These all contributed to a better and healthier society. Cows were well protected and well bred. Even Lord Krishna loved to call him Gopala (Server of Cow).
Cow’s Richest Product is Cow Dung : In our country there is a system of smearing cowdung mixed yellow dust in our houses. It is antiseptic and helps us against pollution. It also can prevent atomic radiation. As In Japan it has been recognized after the Hiroshima and Nagasaki blast. Famous Scientist Pra Wigade of Italy says that fresh cowdung kills the germs of T.B. and Malasia also Havan with cowghee is done in Russia. Research is being carried on this. Effect was found in the whole area where havan was done. It was free from bacteria and germs. It also prevents the negative effect of carbondioxide.
Scientific Facts “ COW DUNG “
Cowdung smeared houses are free from disease like plague, cholera. During war such houses were less affected such house gives us energy more than a pucca house.
Cow dung manure is better than chemical fertilizers. This keeps our land much more fertile , it has been un use since hundreds of years .
This fertilizer contains more nitrogen (0.5 – 1.5 percent) more phosphorus (o.5 – 1.5 percent) more potassium (1.2 – 1.4 percent) than a chemical fertilizer. This ratio is analysed and proven in a chemical lab. It is very easy and cheap to prepare a compost fertilizer of cowdung. Each farmer can do it very easily. It needs 10 feet deep and 6 feet wide pit. 180 cubic metre fertilizer can be produced from this pit. 100 kilo cowdung and 1500 kilos of waste leave branches roots etc is needed to be filled up in this pit, waste soil of the farm is used in this pit and finally water. It is sealed for 90 to 120 days and compost fertilizer is ready. Nothing has to be acquired from the market . Every thing is generated from the farm. It produces 3 tons of fertilizers.
If land is sufficiently fertile crops are healthy and healthy crop will prevent insects themselves. There is no need of insecticide. If land gets proper fertilizer, proper treatment there is no fear of germs attack in the crop. Hence farmer should work hard to keep the land healthy Crops in a healthy land will be healthy and that will make people healthy.
Financial Analsis of a Cow
We use a dead cow’s skin, horn. Skin is used for making purses, shoes, the bones are used for making fertilizer. Cowdung, cow urine is good fertilizer and also insecticide. Grazing of cow in a land improves the quality of that land. In this situation saving cow is extremely important.
Keeping our cows healthy and look after them properly is urgent. Cow keeps the whole society healthy.
The ashes of cowdung is used as an insecticide by farmers. It controls white ants and other insects in the field. Use cowdung manure, it is easy to prepare, good to apply, cheap and helps avoid chemical pollution in which The vegetables, crops grown in this land in which chemical fertilizer is used is poisonous. Pregnant mothers consume these crops and vegetables and poison is found in the breast milk. Ground water is also affected by the application of such fertilizers. Irrigation department has found that ground water contains nitrate and nitrite and makes the water unpottable.
Some days back veterinary doctor Peter Proctor of Newzealand did a wonderful application. He took cowdung of a milking cow and filled it in the horn of a dead cow and buried it. After six months he took it out and kept in a water tight box. He took out 35 grm cowdung from the above box and mixed up in the 10 litre water and sprinkled in 1 acre land. It made the land fertile and green.
The ashes of cowdung is used as insecticide and people clean utensils by this ashes. It is not only better than any cleaning powder but is costless also.
Cow is full of positive energy. Cowurine is a divine chemical. It neutralize the effects of poison and purifies our heart, lever, kidney, intestines and all organs of our body. Taking both with one spoon cow urine in the water protects us from all infections and germs. In Nagpur one electric clock is run by cowurine in place of batteries. Cow urine is full of potassium, calcium, magnesium, chloride, urea, phosphoros, ammonia, creatinia and salt also. It is very good for farmers. It works as an insecticide. It prevents skin disease also.
For this reason in the sanatorium of Italy cowdung is used. Cow is a mobile dispensary. Panchagabya has wonderful results. Cow urine has been described as an unique thing in our ancient scriptures like, charak samhita, rajnighanta, bridhuphagbhatta, amritsagar. It is carbolic acid, that is why it is pure and sacred. In the urine of pregnant cow hormones exist.Today cows should be well protected by law, Farmers and gardeners should use cowdung fertilizer. Number of articles can be made from cowdung and cowurine. This can be produced as cottage industries in our villages and help in income generation
God has created human being with enough intelligence and conscience. It is expected from human being that they will maintain natures beautiful gift and not destroy it for their selfish motives.
For this reason in the sanatorium of Italy cowdung is used. Cow is a mobile dispensary. Panchagabya has wonderful results. Cow urine has been described as an unique thing in our ancient scriptures like, charak samhita, rajnighanta, bridhuphagbhatta, amritsagar. It is carbolic acid, that is why it is pure and sacred. In the urine of pregnant cow hormones exist.Today cows should be well protected by law, Farmers and gardeners should use cowdung fertilizer.